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2022 Program conference


  • 09 : 30 – 16 : 25
    The Sustainable Light Aircraft Days

    The Sustainable Light Aircraft Days is an event dedicated to professionals from the light aviation sector.

    This 2nd edition will focus on the strategies and opportunities associated with the shift towards decarbonation.

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Key topics :

  • Batteries
  • Hydrogen
  • How small airfields are adapting to electric aircraft?
  • Investment
  • 16 : 30 – 17 : 00
    How does Airbus structure its Supply Chain of services around Sustainability?
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This presentation will highlight how Airbus structures its Supply Chain of Business Services to meet its sustainability objectives.

Raphaël DUFLOS

Vice President Corporate Services General Procurement, Airbus

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30 | Morning session

  • 10 : 10 – 10 : 40
    Electronic component crisis : paradigm shift
    Room 1
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Covid-19 has shaken the entire supply chain and in particular the electronic components availability for our industry. Airbus and its supply chain is then adapting to this new reality, re-thinking its ways of working. This presentation aims to provide an overview on the electronic component market situation seen by Airbus and to share some key factors of success and learnings so far...


Vice President Procurement Operations, Airbus

  • 10 : 10 – 10 : 40
    Occitanie’s Aeronautical and Space Ecosystem and new aeronautical challenges: AD’OCC (regional agency)

    Region Area H1  B12

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Covid-19 has shaken the entire supply chain and in particular the electronic components availability for our industry. Airbus and its supply chain is then adapting to this new reality, re-thinking its ways of working. This presentation aims to provide an overview on the electronic component market situation seen by Airbus and to share some key factors of success and learnings so far...

Philippe BAYLET

Head of Aerospace and Intelligent Transport Systems Department, AD'OCC

Charlotte VOISIN

Business Development Manager - Aeronautic & Space, invest in Toulouse
  • 10 : 45 – 11: 15
    ATR Procurement strategy in an uncertain environment focusing on anticipation, resilience, competitiveness and sustainability

    Room 1

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The Supply Chain is currently facing 3 main challenges: Supply Chain issues, high inflation, Sustainability. Therefore the Procurement Strategy must be adapted to these challenges.


Senior Vice President Procurement & Supply Chain / Chief Procurement Officer, ATR

  • 10 : 45 – 11 : 15
    Project Resistant - High resistant and performance increasing micro-structured coating (Riblet) development for Jet Turbines and Compressors

    Room 3

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The Supply Chain is currently facing 3 main challenges: Supply Chain issues, high inflation, Sustainability. Therefore the Procurement Strategy must be adapted to these challenges.


CEO, Resistant

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ReSiSTant project developed, upscaled and industrially demonstrated reliable manufacturing processes to obtain nanostructured riblet surfaces to be applied in Aircraft Turbofan Engines and industrial Compressors to reduce drag and the related fuel consumption and emissions. “ReSiSTant” aimed on the realization of simple, safe, low cost in terms of CAPEX and OPEX, replicable deposition and manufacturing process able to realize large scaled areas with highly resistant nano- and micro-structured surfaces to be applied on newly built and existing turbomachinery blades in order to increase their performances and reduce their wear. ReSiSTant innovation (nanocoatings and their manufacturing process) is demonstrated in two different industrial lines under the guidance of GE Aviation, MAN Energy Solutions and Lufthansa Technik.

  • 11 : 20 – 12 : 25
    Doing Business with Boeing: some learnings from France

    Room 1

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The Supply Chain is currently facing 3 main challenges: Supply Chain issues, high inflation, Sustainability. Therefore the Procurement Strategy must be adapted to these challenges.

Jean-Marc FRON

Managing Director, Boeing

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“Doing Business with Boeing”: Provide a thorough overview on what Boeing businesses are, what the Boeing market outlook is, how organized the Boeing Supply Chain is, what is expected from being a supplier to Boeing, how it is working for French suppliers.

  • 11 : 20 – 12 : 25
    PANEL DISCUSSION – Africa: newfound land for a sustainable aerospace

    Room 3



Airbus Leadership University Campus Leader, Airbus


President, Gimas


President, AASO


Founder, Yaapa


Vice President, Cluster Digital Africa


Market Strategy Director, ATR

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30 | Afternoon session

  • 14 : 35 – 15 : 05
    Leveraging innovation and R&D for building blocks technology by collaboration ISRAEL AEROSPACE INDUSTRIES

    Room 2


Executive VP Technology and R&D (CTO), IAI

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IAI’s logic and methodology of leveraging innovation and R&D to fostering technologies by collaboration. The combined and collaborative efforts in the defense and commercial sectors, by technology companies and start-ups, is key to the development of future break-throughs.

  • 14 : 35 – 15 : 40
    PANEL DISCUSSION - MRO: Re-negotiating contracts against the backdrop of high inflation

    Room 3





Vice President Purchasing, Export Control Officer, President of Purchasing National Council of Nouvelle Aquitaine, Sebena tecnic


Director of Customer Support & Services, Aresia

  • 15 : 10 – 15 : 40
    Update on detail parts strategy from Airbus

    Room 1


Senior Manager Hard Metal Detail Parts Procurement, Airbus

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AIRBUS and its whole supply chain have been faced with significant challenges over the past few years, from major restructuring to a worldwide pandemic whilst still maintaining an exceptional backlog to be delivered across the next 10 years. The objective is to deliver all these aircraft, On time, On cost and On quality. This represents an industrial, commercial and technical challenge for the global supply chain and requires Airbus to foster its detail parts business around key strategic suppliers. Beyond the industrial excellence which is expected from all our suppliers, some differentiating factors are also critical when selecting Airbus “D2P” strategic partners: globalization, innovation capacity, value creation, sustainable operational and environmental performance and continuous improvement. The presentation aims at presenting the AIRBUS Detail Parts development over the past few years, reviewing its sourcing strategy and its implementation using the D2P processes and what the future strategy looks like for detail parts.

  • 15 : 45– 16 : 15
    Piemonte : the excellence of Aerospace and the Place of Opportunities

    Room 2

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Considered among the most important in Europe, the Aerospace industry in Piemonte boasts more than 20.000 employees, 7 billion€ turnover, 350 SME’s, 6 prime companies, 1 Aerospace District, 4 Universities and several Private and Public R&D centers, S&T Parks, Innovation hubs and incubators. Strategically positioned at the heart of the European development system, right at the crossroads of the main routes between the North-South, East-West, the Piemonte aerospace supply chain is a complete one and offers leading edge technological and business solutions to international key players providing capable suppliers ready to deliver high-quality parts on cost and on time. The Regional Authority is acting through Centro Estero per l'Internazionalizzazione (Piemonte Agency) to develop new strategies beneficial to the SME's and new business models such as the "Supply Chain Integrated Projects" with specifically allocated budgets, methodologies and best practises. In this framework, every two-year Torino becomes meeting point for the international Aerospace community thanks to the organization of the only business convention in Italy for the aerospace industry “Aerospace & Defense Meetings Torino”, capable to gather more than 1.300 participants, 625 companies, 30 countries and during which more than 8.000 b2b meetings take place. From the 28th to the 30th of November 2023 Torino will host the 9th edition of Aerospace and Defense Meetings.

Stefano NIGRO

General Manager, Piemonte


Head of the International Promotion Department, Regione Piemonte

  • 15 : 45 – 16 : 50
    Logistics 4.0: challenges and benefits

    Room 3

    Conference in French




President, Occitanie Cluster Logistique, TENLOG


Head of innovation program, DAHER


Innovation Marketing manager, Bollore Logistics


Business Development Director, IDEA

  • 16 : 55 – 17 : 25
    Nadcap - Critical Process Oversight Program Overview

    Room 1


Senior Business Development Manager, PRI

  • 16 : 55 – 17 : 25
    Bmax Multi-Physics Simulation: Game changing capacity for Aerospace Sheet Metal Applications
    Room 2
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Bmax is the leading provider of Magnetic Pulse systems & solutions for Sheet metal processing, occupying a large facility in Toulouse, France. Our technology is based on the high concentration of electrical energy used to manipulate metal at extremely high deformation speeds. While off-the-shelf simulation software covers many engineering domains, it simply isn’t designed to describe metal’s behaviour in the extreme deformation rates attained by Bmax systems. Gilles Mazars, Head of Simulation will present Bmax's simulation capabilities through a Case Study related to the forming of a Helicopter Engine Complex Part. Then Mathieu Fournier, Aerospace Sales Manager will highlight the benefits of Simulation & Magnetic Pulse Forming process and present how Bmax can help your business grow.


Head of Simulation, B-Max


Aerospace Business Development Manager, B-Max

  • 17 : 30 - 18 : 30
    Urban Air Mobility Start-ups Pitches
    Room 1
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After having been selected among the best European start-ups in the field of urban air mobility and having undergone an acceleration of several months within the framework of the European project UAM Plazza Accelerator, 10 start-ups will present their innovative solutions.

Eduard GOMEZ






Dinesh BABU



Fusin Engineering


H2 dron Energy

Martin PEČAR

Omni Opti

Patrice ROSIER

Reflet du monde





  • 17 : 30 – 18 : 00
    Hybridization of Future Aircraft
    Room 2
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Current flying aircrafts are often exposed to criticism in terms of CO2, NOISE and NOx emissions. ACARE Objective require strong reduction of these parameters by 2050. Deep actions were defined to reduce fuel consumption to reach this target: SAFRAN “LEAP” Engine and PRATT & WHITNEY “PW1100G” Engine on SMR (Short Medium Range) aircraft’s but we are not yet close enough from the ACARE objective. Several actions were already implemented to reduce these emissions which led to More Electrical Aircraft: some good examples will be presented during the session. However, even with the new fuel named SAF (Sustainable Aviation Fuel) it was considered the need go further and to explore the “HYBRIDIZATION of FUTURE AIRCRAFT”. Electrical power could be a way to reach the ACARE objective in a reasonable time: around 2035 for Short Medium Range aircrafts. It could lead to Full Electrical Aircraft or Hybridized Aircraft depending on the Range. The purpose of this presentation is to make a synthesis of what existing to date, what is currently in study and where are the ways of investigation which are promising for the future. Attendees will understand the difficulties to reach the ACARE target, because aircraft or engine manufacturers are not only decision makers in the final result.


Distinguished Expert - Electromecanical Systems, Safran

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1 | Morning session

  • 09 : 35 – 10 :0 5
    Supply Chain of the Future: Trends and Challenges
    Room 1


Executive Chairman, Managing Director, TKO

  • 09 :00 – 10 :05
    Turkish Aerospace Sector, Government, OEM and NGO perspectives

    Room 2

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Shared discussion between 3 main bodies: TAI/SSB/SASAD

Fahrettin OZTURK

Executive Vice President – Manufacturing, Turkish Aerospace


Department Head of Quality Test and Certification, Defence Industry Agency

Mehmet Akif NACAR

General Manager and Board Member, Havelsan

  • 10 :10 – 11 :15
    PANEL DISCUSSION – Artificial Intelligence and sustainable goals

    Room 3

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The panel deals with how aerospace industries could benefit from AI (Artificial Intelligence) to contribute to SDG (Sustainable Development Goals). We will cover topics such as leveraging AI to extract information from satellites to monitor Earth and provide insights to efficiently act. In a second part, we will discuss how AI can contribute to more sustainable aviation reducing environmental footprint. In a third part, we will see whether we can leverage what we do with AI in aerospace to other sectors such as Healthcare. Finally, we will also investigate how we push towards doing AI in a more sustainable way exploring more frugal approaches limiting our impact.



Romaric REDON

AIRBUS Artificial Intelligence and Computing Roadmap Leader, Airbus


Chief Operating Officer, ANITI


Head of Partnerships and Resellers, UP42

Pierre-Etienne LEGOUX

Chief Data Officer, Thales



  • 10 :10 – 10 :40
    Industrial performance of the Supply Chain / Competitiveness improvement while volumes are ramping-up

    Room 2


Vice President Purchasing
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Over the past 2 years the various actors of our industry and especially LATECOERE have been copying with unprecedented struggles. It has been necessary to engage difficult social and industrial crisis measures, so to limit our losses which beside remained extremely impacting. Meanwhile LATECOERE has prepared an ambitious strategy so to exit from the crisis The group is successfully deploying it as we speak. The Group and its Supply Chain are now facing business opportunities which we have been expecting so to grow our business again, and restore our profitability. However, this growth will benefit to all of us solely while meeting two essential challenges: the industrial performance and the competitiveness. The industrial performance because we are all well aware that managing a volume ramp-up is at least as complex as managing a slow-down. Tier 1 and tiers 2 need to prepare the industrial capacities of the plants. It also requires a strong collective agility so to adapt to the customer demand variations. Competitiveness, because business opportunities will benefit to the most competitive companies on the market place. These 2 challenges shall be completed together.
  • 10 :45– 11 :15
    ARESIA: A Diversified and Dual company

    Room 2

François-Xavier CHOUSSY

Executive Vice President Sales
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ARESIA find its roots into a family ownership and history, combining diverse expertise such as design, manufacturing and MRO of our equipment, but also a strong knowledge developed around electronic systems & virtual reality concept. Our ambition : Provide to Defense and Civil aerospace stakeholders with our equipment embedding the highest industrial quality requirements towards customer satisfaction. Strong ambition and resilience make ARESIA very special into the aerospace landscape with a dual & diversified DNA. With more than a century of experience on defense and commercial business fields, ARESIA became a reference and the number 1 provider in Europe for carriage systems, ejection & release units, training equipment for DoD, but also for complex mechanical assemblies for civil market. Our approach is to propose end to end solutions on our equipment as a differentiating factor on our market. Thanks to those assets, ARESIA is becoming a worldwide player on its markets in more than 60 countries, onboarding more than 100 different programs. Our DNA and mindset have been forged by the different entrepreneurs leading our company through the ages, going farther, being bolder and fostering people initiatives.
  • 11 :20 – 12 :25
    PANEL DISCUSSION - Cybersecurity and supply chain challenges

    Room 3





Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)


Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) / AirCyber Director, Boost Aerospace

Olivier MEILI

Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), THALES


Regional CISO-ISSO | Avionics, Collin Aerospace

  • 11:20 – 12:25
    Everything you Always Wanted to Know About Japanese Know How in Aerospace* (*But Were Afraid to Ask)

    Room 2

    Conference organised by JETRO as part of La semaine du Japon en Occitanie

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Did you know?

  • 35% of the B787 Aerostructure was produced as tier 1 by Japanese Risk Sharing Partners.
  • How Operational Excellence is deeply rooted in Japanese Industrial Culture and has influenced the On Time Delivery In Quality culture Worldwide?
    • “The Toyota Way” at the Root of the LEAN culture
    • Example of SMEs
  • Airbus is on the rise in Japan since 2019 with customers such as:
    • Nippon Airways (ANA), Japan Airlines (JAL), Starflyer but also low-cost carriers such as Jetstar Japan and Peach Aviation 

Welcome remarks 


Director General, Jetro



Director, Kishikawa
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  • Japan is a major aeronautic ecosystem for today’s and future Aircrafts programs
  • Key players and Risk Sharing Partners of Boeing & International Aero Engines Supply Chain with companies such as Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, SUBARU and IHI Corporation
    •     35% of B787 Dreamliner ‘s structural parts produced by Japanese companies 
    •      35% of A320 family are equipped with IAE V2500 Engines whom Japanese industries holds 25,25% of business share
    • Japanese companies are recognized for their excellence in R&D and World Class Manufacturing of Composites, from Materials to parts up to Master Components Assembly.
The Heart of Japanese Aerospace AICHI-NAGOYA

Kazuaki EJIRI

Director of the Next Generation Industry Section, Aichi Prefecture Member of the Committee, Aichi-Nagoya Aerospace Consortium (ANAC)
Japanese culture of Operational Excellence: from Design to Manufacturing a real asset for On Time Delivery, In Quality Procurement in a VUCA WORLD

Sylvain BRU

Managing Director, OE-Xpert

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1 | Afternoon session

  • 14:00 – 14:30
    SPACE Awards “Best Improver 2022”

    Room 2

    SPACE Award ceremony « Best Improver 2022 » and project submission by awarded companies.

    Conference in French

Christophe DELQUÉ

Managing Director, Space Aero


Quality Manager, PMA




Head of operations FAL A320, A321, BELUGA XL/ Training Manager /Project supervisor "New Painter Training Project", SATYS

  • 14:00 – 15:05
    PANEL DISCUSSION – Human Capital in the aerospace industry: how to meet today’s HR challenges?

    Room 1




Philippe DUJARIC

Social and Training Affairs Director, GIFAS

Isabelle RATERY

HO Employment & Competencies Airbus Atlantic, Airbus


Executive Director Culture and Human Capital, Groupe ADF


Human Resources Director, Daher

Jérôme NOYER

Human Resources & Communication Director, Liebherr

Alexandre GENTOT

VP, Human Resources GBU Avionics, Thales

  • 15 :10 – 16 :15
    PANEL DISCUSSION - Diversification: The supply chain must reduce its dependency on aerospace : But easier said than done?

    Room 2




Christophe BOURSIER

Head of Supply-Chain and Quality Operations - Platform, Propulsion & Mission system, Airbus defence & space


Engineering Director – R&T, Liebherr


Executive Director – Chief Operating Officer, Ségneré


Member of the AeroSME comittee of GIFAS and President of the Sunaero Group, GIFAS

Florence PABON

VP Sales, Spherea

  • 15 : 10 – 16 : 50
    PANEL DISCUSSION – Reducing energy consumption in aerospace manufacturing

    Room 3

    Organized by ST AERO Business Club as part of its networking activity.

    Conference in French




Wilfried DUFAUD

Co-founder, Program Director and Airworthiness Manager, Aura Aero

Manuel MORET

Plant Engineering Manager, Liebherr


Project Manager, Ademe



Sébastien KAHN

Sustainability Vice-President, Industry, Capgemini Inven, Capgemini invent

Bénédicte BODIN

Sustainability and Transformation Leader, Thales

Emilie AUBRY

Aeronautics Project Manager, AD'OCC

François DAUPHIN

Energy&Utility head of marketing, DXC Technologie

Estelle SCHUTZ

Sustainable IT Strategy Consultant and CSR Ambassador, CGI

Pierre GAIO

Aerospace Business unit director and CSR officer, Spie